Nor is it a matter of putting formal systems in place, like hotlines and suggestion boxes. Our findings suggest that encouraging speech, therefore, isn’t simply a matter of removing obvious barriers, such as a volatile leader or the threat of a summary dismissal (though that would help). Employees also believed (again without direct experience) that their bosses would feel betrayed if constructive ideas for change were offered when more-senior leaders were present or that their bosses would feel embarrassed to be shown up by a subordinate in front of other subordinates. Many people reported withholding input from a person higher up in the corporate hierarchy because they believed (without any evidence) that the superior felt ownership of the project, process, or issue in question and would resent suggestions that implied a need for change. Implicit, seemingly untested assumptions also led to silence. A culture of collective myths proved chilling-for example, stories of individuals who had said something in a public venue and then, as one R&D director put it, were “suddenly gone from the company.” More often, they were inhibited by broad, often vague, perceptions about the work environment. Sometimes, employees told us they feared speaking up because managers had been genuinely hostile about past suggestions, but this was relatively rare. Their frequent conclusion seemed to be, “When in doubt, keep your mouth shut.” So people often instinctively played it safe by keeping quiet. In our interviews, the perceived risks of speaking up felt very personal and immediate to employees, whereas the possible future benefit to the organization from sharing their ideas was uncertain. While it’s obvious why employees fear bringing up certain issues, such as whistle-blowing, we found the innate protective instinct so powerful that it also inhibited speech that clearly would have been intended to help the organization. What they were most reticent to talk about were not problems but rather creative ideas for improving products, processes, or performance. The firm had many formal mechanisms, such as an ombudsperson and grievance procedures, for encouraging people to speak up about serious problems, yet half the employee respondents in a recent culture survey had revealed that they felt it was not “safe to speak up” or challenge traditional ways of doing things. We set out to systematically identify the factors that cause employees to bring ideas to their bosses-or withhold them-by interviewing nearly 200 individuals from all levels and functions of the company. Our study suggests that this type of self-censorship is common, from the rank and file right up through senior management. See more.What would you think if you overheard an employee confiding in another, “If I tell the director…what customers are saying, my career will be shot”? We actually heard this, verbatim, in the course of our research on communication in a leading high-technology corporation.
Vivian's courses are intended to take you on a personal journey to understanding yourself and guiding you on a dynamic path of self-discovery to greater self-esteem and self-confidence.
They are downloadable, so you will always have them to enjoy and grow with. All of Vivian's courses contain guided visualizations and songs throughout. With each section, you will receive at least one exercise to complete in order to incorporate what you've learned into your own life.
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With the Speak Up At Work Program, Vivian will teach you how to gauge yourself so you don't overstep but do speak up when it's time. Now, as you've probably experienced, some workplaces reward assertiveness and others punish assertiveness, so it's better to observe for a time before you use your assertiveness skills. If you're so passive that you accept work that others give you to the point that you're overloaded or you can't explain to your boss an issue you're having with your work, your job will suffer. We start the course with gaining the skills to speak up assertively to your co-workers and boss. Does this describe you? If so, this is affecting your job performance, your work relationships, and the possibility of being promoted. People have difficulty speaking up at work.